Monday, April 30, 2012

To the Stars...

It has been forever since my last post. It was one hell of a time with exams left, right and centre and it still is with many more to go (and not just the degree exams but some which are far more important- for my post graduation).  I’ve been trying to find words which would resonate with what I am feeling at the present. In times like these, I find solace in my long walks- alone or with friends though there aren’t any where I live- I have been most unfortunate in this regard. Though that is a different story- but whenever I think about it maybe I can best picture with “the forever alone” troll meme - but never with tears. I long accepted this reality and made peace with it.
But this post was not about my being alone. But how simple things which often go ignored sometimes bring more joy which nothing else can substituted for. The immense joy when you smile at an infant and he smiles back with nothing but sheer innocence, the early morning dew, the cool breeze in the late evening.

I distinctly recall from my childhood- when I was around 5 or perhaps 6 years old. My late Grandfather would wake me up at 5:30 AM in the morning and we would go in for an early walk. Those were the days when I had nothing on my mind- but eat, sleep and play. Nothing to worry, nothing which I would harp on for days and everything could be fixed. Times change, and people change too eventually.

The photographs below were taken in early March on a full moon night. My fascination for the night sky hasn’t diminished with age. I may no longer try to count the stars thinking that I completed one side and charting out the other side for tomorrow. But the calmness and serenity never ceases to amaze me. It’s almost a soothing balm.

The photo quality is poor as my Nokia E63 camera is quite primitive, but it still does make do jobs!

The little orb which shines next to the Moon is perhaps the planet Venus- the planet of love and the only planet which personifies a Woman in our otherwise male dominated Solar System.
Looking up at the night sky fills me with amazement and transports me even if momentarily to a world where there was nothing- before and after. The feeling has never in all these years differed from the state I just described. It has always been like this. In fact, having a personal collapsible telescope features on my wish list. Nothing is more amazing (and perhaps romantic) than star gazing!

"We were written in the stars, my love, all that separated us, was time, the time it took to read the map which was placed within our hearts, to find our way back to one another."

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